Sade “Is It a Crime?” Lyrics Meaning





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Music has a unique way of touching our hearts and reflecting our deepest feelings. Sade’s ‘Is It a Crime?’ from her 1985 album, Diamond Life, is a perfect example of how a song can capture the intense emotions of love and heartbreak. The lyrics craft a story of a person grappling with the pain of a failing relationship, and many listeners find a piece of their own stories within the song’s lines.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the lyrics of ‘Is It a Crime?’ to better understand its emotional depth. Sade uses vivid imagery, like the mention of wine and kisses, to paint a picture of lost love and the yearning for what once was. Her words resonate with anyone who has ever felt the sting of love’s end, offering understanding and companionship through music.

Love and heartbreak are universal experiences, and it’s songs like this that remind us we’re not alone in our journey. Sade’s heartfelt expression through her music has stood the test of time, connecting with listeners across generations. This song serves not just as a reflection of personal sorrow but also as a testament to the resilience we find within ourselves to move forward.

‘Music speaks when words fail, and Sade’s ‘Is It a Crime?’ speaks volumes to the soul.’

Raw Emotions and Vulnerability

The song ‘Is It a Crime?’ by Sade explores the depths of raw emotions and vulnerability. Through its poignant lyrics, the song delves into the complex and intense feelings experienced by the protagonist.

The lyrics paint a picture of longing for someone who has betrayed them, showcasing the rawness of the emotions involved. Sade uses symbolism, such as the contrast between wine and the other person’s kiss, to convey the depth of the emotional connection that is missing.

The protagonist questions whether it is wrong to still desire someone who is no longer theirs, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences of longing and heartbreak.

Symbolism of Wine and Kisses

Exploring the depth of emotions in Sade’s ‘Is It a Crime?’, the symbolism of wine and kisses adds a poignant layer to the protagonist’s longing and emotional connection.

  • Wine symbolizes the intoxicating effect of love and desire, highlighting the protagonist’s yearning for a deep emotional connection.
  • The contrast between wine and the other person’s kiss emphasizes the absence of that connection, creating a sense of longing and loss.
  • Kisses symbolize intimacy and affection, representing the protagonist’s longing for physical and emotional closeness.
  • The symbolism of wine and kisses underscores the protagonist’s vulnerability and the intensity of their desire for the other person.
  • Overall, the symbolism of wine and kisses in the song amplifies the protagonist’s yearning and adds depth to their emotional journey.

Longing for Someone Who Has Lied

As we delve deeper into the meaning of Sade’s ‘Is It a Crime?’, we now turn our attention to the complex emotions of longing for someone who has betrayed our trust.

The lyrics of the song express the raw vulnerability and pain that comes with longing for someone who has lied to us. Sade captures the conflicting emotions of desire and betrayal, questioning whether it is wrong to still yearn for someone who is no longer trustworthy.

This theme resonates with listeners who have experienced the heartache of being deceived by someone they once loved. Sade’s poignant portrayal of longing for a deceitful lover allows listeners to process their own feelings of longing and betrayal, offering solace and understanding in the face of emotional hardship.

Relatability and Mastery of Storytelling

Delving into the depths of Sade’s lyrical prowess, her relatability and mastery of storytelling shine through in the song ‘Is It a Crime?’.

  • Sade’s songs resonate with listeners on a deeply personal level.
  • The relatable themes and universal emotions in ‘Is It a Crime?’ allow listeners to process their own feelings.
  • The song offers comfort and solace to those experiencing longing and heartbreak.

Despite its heartbreaking theme, the song leaves a message of hope and resilience.

  • It speaks to the human capacity to endure emotional hardship and remain hopeful.

Sade’s ability to connect with her audience is evident in the way she captures the complexities of love and heartbreak.

  • Through her lyrics, she creates a space for listeners to explore their own emotions and find solace in shared experiences.
  • Her storytelling prowess allows her to convey the depth of human emotions in a way that resonates with listeners and leaves a lasting impact.

‘Is It a Crime?’ is a testament to Sade’s relatability and mastery of storytelling, making it a timeless piece of music.

The Strength of the Human Spirit

Sade’s song ‘Is It a Crime?’ delves into the strength of the human spirit, showcasing the resilience and endurance required to confront emotional adversity.

The lyrics of the song express raw emotions and vulnerability, reflecting the protagonist’s longing for someone who has deceived them. Despite the heartbreak, the song offers a message of hope and resilience.

It reminds listeners of the shared struggle with complex emotions and emphasizes the importance of embracing our feelings. The song’s deeper message highlights the human capacity to endure emotional hardships and remain hopeful.

Through its relatable themes and universal emotions, ‘Is It a Crime?’ allows listeners to process their own feelings of longing and heartbreak, offering comfort and solace. Sade’s soulful voice and the beautiful melody further enhance the appreciation of the song’s message of strength and endurance.


In conclusion, ‘Is It a Crime?’ by Sade delves into the depths of heartbreak and longing, resonating with listeners on a personal level.

Through her masterful storytelling and lyrical prowess, Sade captures the raw emotions and vulnerability of a broken relationship, offering comfort and solace to those experiencing similar struggles.

The profound meaning behind the lyrics reminds us that it is okay to feel and yearn for love, highlighting the strength and endurance of the human spirit in the face of emotional adversity.

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